They say if two people truly love each other, things inevitably work out. Probably like H. and J. Both got dumped, but the way I see it, getting dumped was the best thing ever happened to the both of them because they could be together.
And I hope me dumping him who shall remain unnamed was a good thing because it brought them right into their significant other's arms. Oh, that's so slushy romantic I'm nearly making myself nauseous.

So I guess that's what didn't work out. The two of us didn't truly love each other. They were just lying through their teeth, and I was deluding myself into buying it. Best deal ever. You get the whole girlfriend experience without any underlying feelings. Sort of like in Surrogates with Bruce Willis.

Yeah, tonight's bootie call dissolved into nothingness. I don't know if I'm disappointed or releaved. I should have probably told them I'm leaving soon for three months. Nah, I don't want anything to influence their regular day-to-day choices. I'm done pressuring, manipulating, setting traps, chasing after or ensnaring men into any sort of relationship with me. If they don't want it, I'll just enjoy the spare time. Spend it on posting bitter pointless entries in my dozen blogs. Ironically, it's not the worst thing I can do with my time.